Hiking and climbing, Flathead Valley

That’s me near the summit of Mt. Reynolds in Glacier Park, 2018, better times. Why better times? Due to the circus in our world, differences in healthcare views and politics, I’ve lost a ton of friends, and family, and it’s been very challenging to find people to replace them. The reason for this post is to see if there are any in this readership who, like me, lean Libertarian, realize that less government control over healthcare AND businesses is always better, and would enjoy my company skiing, hiking, and the like.

Early in the pandemic my very best friend in the world began to distance himself from me, as he watched what I shared on social media about masks, government overreach of power, and theories on covid. He and I had shared many epic adventures, and it had become obvious over time we didn’t share the same spirituality or political leanings. That didn’t matter until covid hit, and I started reposting stuff from acclaimed local Dr. Annie Bukacek, (who I don’t share many politics with, but she’s called the healthcare side correctly from the very beginning). He, not me, slowly stopped all association, which eventually culminated in a conversation where we went our separate ways. I’ve also lost association with family, many who live in very liberal states, who don’t share my love of freedom, and freedom of choice, in how to run my business all the way up to what experimental bullshit I allow my doctor to try and sell me on, and then shove via needle into my body. (The next Bitcoin will be unvaxxed sperm. haha.! hhmm, maybe not so funny…)

I was raised in a Christian home, I subscribe to Jesus, and although my language and actions may not reflect who I believe is the way, truth, and the life, I strive to always be more like Him. My politics may not resemble those of “cookie-cutter” christians, as I’m pro choice and hardly a card carrying Republican, but, after voting for both democrats and republicans over the years, I see what they’ve done, where they’re heading, and want none of their nonsense.

When you’re on a long hike or ardous climb with fellow adventurists, eventually talk will change from the beautiful scenery to talk of the not so beautiful nonsense our healthcare providers and government are trying to shove down our throats. I feel it’s better to filter your climbing partners pre-adventure and see where they stand on important issues, and spirituality beforehand. Believe me, when you’re in a life-and-death situation in Glacier Park, you want people with ya who you can not only trust with your life, but with your, um, soul, ya know?

Finding those people has become more difficult due to covid. I’m not involved with a ton of local social clubs. I’m deaf in my left ear which creates a challenge for anyone around me. So, I’m casting an opportunity here. In the past, I’ve had very great friendships with people who started as clients first, so I know this scenario can work. I see that I have clients who, on paper, share my interests in the outdoors. I see that I have clients who are certainly physically able to do the snorkeling, climbing, and hiking I subscribe to. The question is, do YOU want to hang out with ME, outside of the massage therapy world? As my right hip and left knee issues are dictating some of my hiking plans as of late, the scale of my adventures has changed accordingly, but by summer 2022 I plan to be back climbing big peaks, and I want you to come along. Do ya wanna get off the couch and see some stuff? Come along! Email me at johnnycmassage@hotmail.com. We’ll start small with things like hiking Herron Park, skiing Blacktail, and such. I look forward to meeting new people, including your friends who share our views. To those who say I may lose clients for sharing my views, I hold up the same model: I can save us both time and money, by laying my cards on the table now.


Licensed massage therapist, ski, snorkel, hike, bmx, unicycle, drums, married in Montana!