15 Things Massage Therapy Will Do For You

15 Things Massage Therapy Will Do For You

15 Things Massage Therapy Will Do For You

You don’t need a reason to get massage therapy!  You don’t need a sports injury, an auto accident, a tense home life, or a stressful job as reasons to make an appointment.  Massage therapy is an amazing experience that often defies description.  Clients experience phenomenal results in many areas of their lives.  Sometimes however, we feel like we have to manufacture reasons to schedule a massage when the bottom line is we just need some TLC and someone to pay attention to us.  If you need some more positives, read on:

1.  Improve self confidence.  Massage relieves pain, yep.  When you’re pain free, you stand taller, you talk louder, you like yourself more, and others pay more attention to what you say, which all improves your self esteem, and confidence.

2.  Make you the envy of others.  Salon Envy, Massage Envy, whether it’s a local biz or a national chain, those businesses incorporate those words into their name not just for fun, but because it’s true.  When some of your friends see or hear that you just came from getting your hair done at XYZ salon or got a massage, sure, they have reason to be envious.  They wish they were you.

3.  Reduce stress. This is another ‘yep’ kind of benefit, like relieving pain, that is a given with massage.  I believe stress to be a secondary cause of many diseases.  I also believe the best way to get rich is simply to stay healthy, so reducing your chance of disease by reducing stress with massage leads to wealth!  Did ya catch all that?

4.  Massage will give you something to look forward to. You’ve got a regular massage booked at 10:30 A.M. every other Friday?  Of course you look forward to it!

5.  Help you sleep better. I have online booking, and I often get up in the morning to texts and email updates showing me that a client booked a session with me at, like, 3 A.M.  They couldn’t sleep, maybe because they were in pain, or stressed.  They knew they could review my schedule for the next 2 months online, so they took charge, sat down at the computer in their pajamas, booked a session with me, and went back to bed.  And of course they slept better even if they were in pain, because they now had something to look forward to.

6.  Make you look better. When you feel better, you LOOK better.

7.  Increase circulation. We all know that exercise increases circulation.  When you receive massage, it’s kind of like someone is working those muscles FOR you, while you do nothing.

8.  Make you feel valued and appreciated! I value my clients.  You have no idea how important you are to me.  You are the reason I no longer have to work as a debt collector.  When I’m working with you, the rest of the world just goes away.  THANK YOU.

9.  Smell better. Yes, massage will make you smell better.  If you’ve been to my office, you know I only use the highest quality products, including doTERRA essential oils.  During most current sessions, I use geranium, sandalwood, peppermint, and a blend called OnGuard, at no extra charge.  In addition to  their antibacterial, antifungal properties, yep, essential oils will make ya smell better.

10.  Reduce inflammation. When you bang your elbow on the counter and it swells and turns black and blue, that’s acute inflammation, the body’s natural response trying to protect itself.  I keep ice packs at my office and use them when applicable.

11.  Recover faster after athletic events. So, ya just ran a marathon and your legs are sore?  Who’s going to be ready to hit the gym sooner:  the person who gets a massage within 24 hrs or the person who doesn’t?  If you’ve ran a major race, you’ve probably seen chair massage available near the finish line.  It’s a wise choice if you need to begin training again soon.

12.  Resolve emotional issues. In the massage world, it’s called somatic release.  PTSD, child abuse, sexual assault and many others can greatly benefit from healthy touch therapies like massage.  Muscles have memory, and traumatized clients sometimes experience sudden episodes of crying or even laughter when sensitive areas such as the inner thing are being massaged, bringing a long needed release.

13.  Chiropractic adjustments. First, it’s never on purpose, however sometimes while I’m working a persons back during ashiatsu, small spinal adjustments do occur.  I’ve even experienced it when working the back with my hands.  In most cases, the bones were probably ready to move on their own, and a little pressure in the right direction just happened to speed that up.  Clients are delighted when this happens.

14.  Save you money. Physical therapy, doctors visits and endless tests can really deplete your bank account.  An experienced massage therapist can often suggest stretches or exercises that can help resolve pain issues, saving you money.

15.  Speed detox. It’s kind of a cliché’ word in today’s health circles:  juice fasts, body wraps, and endless other applications trying to DETOX your body.  The root of the word is toxins, again a cliché’ we hear over and over which simply refers to substances that are foreign, or hard on the body, when they overaccumulate.  Aluminum can be used as an example.  Like salt, we need it, it’s a naturally occurring element.  However its use in antiperspirants or deodorants and our use of those products can make it accumulate in the body producing sometimes toxic effects.  Hands-on techniques help move the toxins through the body’s normal pathways of release and elimination.

So what’s the bottom line?  You don’t have make up some reason why you want to come get a massage.  We know it’s good for us.  We know it feels good.  When would NOW be a good time to pick up the phone or book online?  Schedule regular massage therapy for yourself, and your family.  You’re worth it.

Licensed massage therapist, ski, snorkel, hike, bmx, unicycle, drums, married in Montana!